Customize social sharing buttons (Fusebox 1.0)

Customized social sharing options come with the Fusebox Pro subscription only, and is not included in the Free subscription. For a look at how Pro compares to Free, go here.

Customize the Social Sharing Experience for Your Listeners

You'll find this at the bottom of both shortcode builders.

From the shortcode builder, you can customize social sharing in a number of ways, including:

1. Permalink URL

Use this box to add a custom URL in to the social sharing pop-ups. Put in the link you want your users to share on social media.

By default, the Fusebox full player checks your RSS feed to see if a link is already included. Entering a URL here will override the link in your RSS feed.

The best link to use in the full player is the link back to your main podcast page.

Fusebox shortcode builder

For the Fusebox track player, the Permalink URL works a bit differently. Rather than using the RSS feed URL, by default the player will include the URL of the page that the player is on. If you want to share a different URL on social media, enter it here.

Fusebox track player shortcode builder

2. Custom Message

For Twitter sharing only, you can add a custom message that is auto-populated in the shared tweet when a user clicks on the Twitter share. But please make sure you don't include more than 140 characters. Twitter has a limit! Twitter also automatically shortens your URL (which is currently at 23 characters, but Twitter is known for changing that). Remember to leave space for the URL and any hashtags that you've included as well. 

If there is no custom message, the episode's title is added.

Here's an example of a custom message for Twitter. The custom message ("I'm loving this episode of You, Me, Empathy!") was added to the Custom message (Twitter only) field in the shortcode:

3. Hashtags

Again, like the custom message, hashtags are for Twitter only. And now you can add more than one!

4. Username

Lastly, you can customize your social sharing by including a username (for Twitter only). 

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