Customizing the Fusebox Transcripts Plugin

To begin — If you haven't installed the Fusebox Transcripts plugin, check out this article to learn how to download and install the plugin

Customizing the Fusebox Transcripts Plugin

Once the  Fusebox Transcripts plugin is installed, you will now see Fusebox Transcripts listed under the Settings section of your WordPress Admin panel. 

The configuration settings include the following: General, Downloads, Email Integration, Rev Integration, and Temi Integration.


Inside the General tab, you'll see menu options that control the overall styling of the Fusebox Transcripts window. Some of the options include choosing the header text, the HEX code, or whether the "Download" button is displayed.

These settings control how the Transcripts Plugin is displayed on your website.


Inside the Downloads tab, you'll have the ability to add your show using the Plus (+) button, specific your show title, and upload your cover art file URL.

These settings control the styling of the PDF when it's downloaded by the listener.

Email Integration

The Fusebox Transcripts plugin offers listeners the ability to sign up for your email newsletter. Below you will find the instructions


Rev Integration & Temi Integration

If typing or copying and pasting your episode transcript becomes too cumbersome and you'd like to make that process easier, the Fusebox Transcrips plugin integrates with Rev and Temi. You can find the instructions for each of those platforms below.


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